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  • 01. What is an ERP?
    ERP, which is an abbreviation for Enterprise Resource Planning, is principally an integration of business management practices and modern technology. Information Technology (IT) integrates with the core business processes of a corporate house to streamline and accomplish specific business objectives. Consequently, ERP is an amalgamation of three most important components; Business Management Practices, Information Technology and Specific Business Objectives.
  • 02. Why Berniq ERP?
    The ERP software from Berniq is unique in comparison with other ERP software suppliers. ERP-software from Berniq most functionality is assembled in modules it is possible to create the management system, using the modules as ‘building blocks’. It is possible to start with one module or a bundle of modules. Customers can count on outstanding training sessions and excellent service from our help desk. Updates of software and price lists (available for each module/function) can be updated and installed automatically. Thanks to our development for our international network of customers the flexibility of our ERP-software is really unique and offers the ideal solution for as well small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as bigger companies.
  • 03. Is it possible to purchase single modules?
    Yes, beside the several bundles it’s possible to start with a single module. From here the software can grow simultaneously with desires of the company.
  • 04. What is duration of the implementation?
    The implementation is different for every single company, because there are differences between companies and the purchased software. Software can be installed manually when a single module is purchased and guidance is possible when it is necessary. The implementation for the entire company management system takes normally Two to four months for guidance with a consultant.
  • 05. What are the benefits of Berniq ERP solution?

    Rapid Implementation

    Startup companies can shorten their time to market, and companies moving up from accounting software can quickly implement the more robust functionality of an ERP system.


    It’s easy to scale up with Berniq ERP Online, simply Add additional users and/or functions from Berniq.


    Your system and your data can be easily transferred to an on-premise Berniq ERP system in the future as your business needs change. Your staff’s learning investment is protected, as the on-premise solution is the same software.

     Automatic Product Updates

    Product Updates and hot fixes are applied automatically, so customers always have the benefit of using the most current functionality.
  • 06. Is support included with Berniq ERP Online?
    Yes, included in your ERP Project fee support issues unlimited 24/7 Connectivity Support.
  • 07. I What are the essential skills for a user?
    Functional knowledge is more important than knowledge of computers. Berniq ERP are designed to be friendlier. Having said that knowledge of windows operating system and basic mouse control is essential.
  • 08. What languages does Berniq ERP support?
    Berniq ERP support any language , it worked by dual language -generally- Arabic, English in the same time.
  • 09. What languages does Berniq ERP support?
    Arabic, English.

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